

"Maui Love Letters" is a collection of poems and artwork inspired by the romantic island of Maui, Hawaii.
*The Perfect Valentine’s Day Gift!*

August House Gallery
2133 W. Roscoe, Chicago, IL
Hours: Tue - Sun, Noon - 6 PM
Illinois Artisans Shop
James R Thompson Center
100 W. Randolph Street, suite 2-200
Chicago, IL 60601
Monday - Friday: 9 AM - 5 PM
Thursday: 9 AM - 6 PM

Order book ON LINE or Download PDF
Jason Messinger Bookstore


Belmont Station Public Art Forum

A special thank you to all who were able to attend the Public Forum for the Artwork for the Belmont CTA Station Renovation Project. Everyone there could tell you it was an 'eye opening' experience. My proposal was very well received by many members of the community, but I am not sure what the final results will be.

The Public Art Department went to great lengths to indicate how carefully the system was designed to be impartial, including the enforced anonymity of the artists with their proposals. The Public Affairs Department asked how people heard about the forum, and all the usual suspects (newspaper listing, CTA web site, etc.) only accounted for a handful of attendants, so everyone else was either asked by an artist or another interested party to attend. It may be that some artists 'padded' the forum with their own carefully-scripted fans. Like everything in Chicago, Politics will no doubt play a large part of this process. I just hope that in the end the Belmont Station (which is 'my' local station) receives the best-looking proposal, not the best connected.

Regardless of the eventual outcome, I was pleased that my proposal generated such positive feedback from so many people who attended and whom I did not personally know. That kind of positive reinforcement is always appreciated. This whole proposal was very exciting for me, I feel that the work I proposed was designed for the station's prominence and longevity, and that if selected, would provide riders with a little joy each day. Thanks again for those who were able to make it.

And in particular, I would like to thank the people in the Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs who selected my work, from among thousands of artists, for consideration in this commission. Final selection will take place by mid-February.


Jan. 27: Public Forum for Belmont Station Artwork

Help select the new artwork for the Belmont Station
See proposals by Jason Messinger and five other finalists

If you live or work in the Belmont Station Chicago community, you are invited to attend a public meeting to review and help provide input in the selection of artwork for the New Belmont Station Renovation. The CTA Arts in Transit Program is continuing the selection process for permanent, site-specific artwork to be installed at the Belmont station, which is currently being renovated. Six artists, including Jason Messinger, were selected to as finalists for this prestigious project.

This large commission is VERY competitive, your voice can help select the best work for the community!

You are invited to join the CTA Arts in Transit Program for a public forum on Tuesday, January 27, 2009. The purpose of the forum is to present the various proposals and gather input from the Belmont station communities that will inform the selection process. The CTA Arts in Transit Program staff will be on hand to explain the process and to answer any questions.
The forum is open to the public and all Belmont station community artists and residents are encouraged to attend and provide feedback:

Belmont Station Art Public Forum
Tuesday, January 27, 2009, 6:00 p.m.
Ann Sather Restaurant
909 W. Belmont, Chicago, Illinois