
4Culture Artist Registry

Jason Messinger has selected to be part of a new venture by 4Culture.org, a non-profit organization based in Seattle, WA, dedicated to public arts, heritage, and preservation.
The 4Culture ARTIST REGISTRY is a comprehensive source of pre-qualified artists prepared to realize both public and private commissions. Juried by a panel of peer professionals, each artist's work meets rigorous standards of quality and expertise.

"Artists bring unique skills to the process of building and help us create vibrant, inviting places that resonate with meaning. Just as your building projects are diverse and wide-ranging, so are the processes by which different artists work. To reflect this, the REGISTRY is organized into three categories: PARTS, SITES and PLANS.
Rely on PARTS to implement small-scale projects, SITES for large-scale, wholly integrated works, and PLANS when you require art integration services. Each category presents artists who apply creative problem solving in ways that immediately enrich, challenge, and excite. With over 3,000 images, ARTIST REGISTRY VOLUME VI is one of the only web publications of such magnitude in the industry. Think of it as a collective, user-friendly portfolio that you can access whenever you wish. Here, you will find the right artist to help you to transform space into an authentic and fully realized artistic vision."

Jason Messinger was selected and curated into the PARTS section.
See his page here, where six of his projects are detailed:
Jason Messinger on 4Culture Artist Registry

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