
Jason Messinger benefits Chicago House

Jason Messinger benefits Chicago House

Last month (for the seventh year), Jason Messinger joined 50 other artists, architects and designers at Room & Board for the Birdhouse – Branching Out Art Auction and Cocktail Party, which raised much needed funds for Chicago House. Jason Messinger’s “Birds On The Wire” tile mural received one of the highest bids of the evening! Collectively the event raised $37,000!
See photos and become a fan on Facebook:

The mission of Chicago House is to provide housing and supportive services to HIV-affected and HIV-at risk families and individuals, who may also be impacted by poverty, homelessness, substance abuse, and mental illness. All Chicago House services are provided without discrimination and are designed to guide people towards wholeness and self-sufficiency.

To continue his long support of the Birdhouse Auction, Jason Messinger has pledged with fundraiser coordinator Jeremy Hilborn to donate artwork to other Chicago House charity fundraisers in the future; look for my artwork there when you support this great charity!

Furthermore, for the remainder of this July, Jason Messinger will donate a portion of all IN-STUDIO SALES back to Chicago House. Visit Cornelia Arts Building Studio-Showroom this July to spread 25% of the sale from your purchase back directly to those in need.

Or Take a Minute to visit Chicago House directly to donate whatever you can today: ChicagoHouse.org

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