
Holiday Show Weekend!

Cornelia Arts Building
Dec. Holiday Show
Fri. Dec. 3, 6 - 9 pm
Sat. Dec. 4, 11 - 5 pm
Sun. Dec. 5, 11 - 5 pm
1800 West Cornelia, Chicago
(entrance on Ravenswood)

Join Jason Messinger and other resident building artists, as well as special guest artists in the hallways, for this once-a-year weekend of hand-made art and fine craft from Chicago area artists. Featuring: Jewelry, Sculpture, Printmaking, Photography, textile Arts, Ceramics, Holiday Items, Glass and other unique gifts.
Jason Messinger in Studio #204 will also be featuring original Oil Paintings by Chicago Artist Joey Wozniak.
Holiday Show Listing

August House Studio
Holiday Party and Exhibition
Fri. Dec. 2, 6 - 9 pm
Sat. Dec. 3, 6 - 9 pm
213 W. Roscoe, Chicago
See art and artist-made gifts by over 50 artists and artisans, including Jason Messinger, in this jewelbox-gallery located in the heart of Roscoe Village.  
Exhibit runs thru Dec 22, Hours Tu - Sun, Noon - 5 pm

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