
Holiday Closing Party: Crazy 8 Artists' Carnival

Crazy 8 Artists' Carnival 
Holiday Party Closing Reception
Thur. Dec 15, 4-7 pm
State Street Gallery 
@ Robert Morris University
401 S State Street, Chicago, IL 
Entrance on Van Buren

Performance by Jazz Cafe 4-4:30

 Art Performance @ 5:30 
by Alan Emerson Hicks

Charity ornament fundraiser 

 Reception Party from 5-7 pm

The Holiday Party Closing Reception 
is the last gallery wide event 
planned for the three month run of 
the Crazy 8 Artists' Carnival 
at State Street Gallery, 401 S State St., Chicago

  EXPERIENCE the amazing extensive artwork 
of eight local artists! 

LISTEN to live jazz from 4-4:30 pm 
by the Jazz Cafe ensemble!
WATCH a live performance 
by 'Art Majician' Alan Emerson Hicks!

REVEALED - the final completed 
'Carnival Horse' sculpture !

INTERACT with Anne Leuck's 
'Share your Stories' series!
WITNESS her carnival 
sideshow-freak banner paintings!
BEHOLD Kass Copeland's 
prescient 'Trump' portrait!

 DELIGHT in her collage-paintings!

SOUND OUT Jason Messinger's 
Circus and Carnival Word murals!

CIRCLE his sideshow attraction sculptures!

'Kaleidoscope of Love' paintings!

RIDE YOUR EYES over the 
detailed gems of Edward Master!
BE AMAZED by Anthony Stagg's 
gigantic paintings!
TREASURE HUNT the ironic details 
of Joey Wozniak's festivals!

MEET all the artists of 
the Artists' Carnival show!

SELECT artist-or-student-made
holiday ornaments to benefit
Ronald McDonald House !

CHOOSE the perfect unique 
art gift for your loved ones!
STOCK UP on artist-made
 stocking stuffers in our gift shop!

PARTAKE in holiday fare 
by the Culinary Students!
ENJOY one last time to see 
the entire show in a festive environment!
Crazy 8 Artists' Carnival 
Holiday Party Closing Reception
Thur. Dec 15, 4-7 pm
State Street Gallery 
@ Robert Morris University
401 S State Street, Chicago, IL 
Entrance on Van Buren

Show Runs thru Dec 22
Open Mon-Thu, 10 am - 6 pm


Photo credits: Jim Pinto and Jason Messinger


Three Days of Art Events in November

Join Jason Messinger 
at these Nov. events:
Thu Nov 17, 4-6pm 
Jazz Cafe + Artists' Carnival
in the Loop
Fri Nov 18, 6-10pm 
+ Sat Nov 19, 2-6pm 
Cornelia Arts Building 30 YR Anniversary 
and November Open House
Jazz Cafe + Crazy 8 Artists' Carnival
Night of live music and art in the Loop
Thu Nov 17 4-6 pm
State Street Gallery
@ Robert Morris University
401 S State Street, Chicago

Combine live musical performances and a stroll through the art show everyone has been talking about, and meet all eight of the talented Chicago artists who made it.  
From 4 - 5 pm - Visitors can enjoy a free live performance by Jazz Cafe, while considering refreshments and nibbles from the in-gallery coffee bar. 
From 5 - 6 pm - Wander the State Street Gallery to see the exuberantly colorful and engaging Crazy 8 Artists' Carnival show, and meet the show's artist makers directly, in a relaxed and fun environment.
Jazz Cafe is organized by the Performing Arts Department and the Alumni Association of Robert Morris University. Crazy 8 Artists' Carnival features eight Chicago artists who interpret the themes of carnival, circus, and festival. The artists work in a wide range of mediums and are joined by their exuberant delight in the visual. 

Artists include Kass Copeland, Alan Emerson Hicks, IZZO, Anne Leuck, Edward Master, Jason Messinger, Anthony Stagg, and Joey Woniak
All the original artwork in the show is available for sale, and the 'Art Mart' gift shop wall offers low-cost artist-made gift items perfect for your holiday shopping.
Jazz Cafe + Crazy 8 Artists' Carnival
Night of live music and art in the Loop
Thu Nov 17 4-6 pm
State Street Gallery
@ Robert Morris University
401 S State Street, Chicago
Entrance on Van Buren

Not near Chicago? 
ALL artwork for sale on line! 
Web price includes shipping to continental US!

Cornelia Arts Building
Nov Open Studios + 30 YR Anniversary
Fri Nov 18, 6 - 10 pm  and
Sat Nov 19, 2 - 6 pm
1800 West Cornelia, Chicago, IL

Celebrating 30 Years: 1986 – 2016
The Cornelia Arts building celebrates 30 years of being a working artist studio building, in one of the city's largest North-side all-art-studio locations, with two full floors of working artists.
Join over 40 resident artists, see new hallway guest artist exhibitions by Spencer Rogers and Gene Skala, and enjoy complimentary beverage in the studios, and delicious food from food trucks in the parking lot! With artwork by our many NEW resident artists, and the latest from your favorites! Events are FREE and open to the public.

The Cornelia Arts Building – Where Art Works
Friday, November 18, 6 - 10 pm
& Saturday, November 19, 2 – 6 pm

1800 West Cornelia, Chicago, IL
Entrance on NW corner of Ravenswood and Cornelia.
Two blocks south of Addison Brown Line CTA Station.
Free parking available in lot and in neighborhood.


Artslant Slideshow


CTA selects Jason Messinger to create art for Illinois Medical District Blue Line station

CTA selects four artists to create original artwork
Sun-Times file photo
Sun-Times file photo


Crazy 8 Artists' Carnival Reception Thu Oct 13

Crazy 8 Artists' Carnival
State Street Gallery 
@ Robert Morris University
401 S. State Street, Chicago IL  

Reception: Thu Oct 13,  5:00 - 7:30 pm
Gallery hours: Mon- Thu, 10 am - 6 pm 
Show Runs: Sept 26 - Dec 23, 2016 
Onomatopoeia - Jason Messinger
Crazy 8 Artists’ Carnival showcases the work of eight Chicago artists working in a wide range of mediums and a wild range of techniques. Interpreting the themes of carnival, circus, and festival, the artists are joined by their exuberant delight in the visual and their unique re-imagining of the world.

Featuring artists Kass Copeland, Alan Emerson Hicks, IZZO, Anne Leuck, Edward Master, Jason Messinger, Anthony Stagg, and Joey Wozniak.

The Game Master - Kass Copeland
Kass Copeland creates large graphic photo collages referencing by-gone eras and surrealistic tableaux. Both droll and serious, her works are constructed with humorous juxtapositions and garish pleasures while weathered with rich patinas and haunting emotional complexity. They re-invent familiar themes from the circus and the carnival into nostalgic fever dreams. A true master of her materials, Copeland’s artwork is a stage craft of delight.
Carnival Maiden - Alan Emerson Hicks
Alan Emerson Hicks uses found plastic objects and heat-manipulated plastic detritus to create tightly corseted structures of complexity. In his hands ephemeral materials are transformed into complex latticed sculptures, elaborate airy costumes, and unique works of art. Hicks conjures the modern world's everyday plastic objects of dull invisibility into a bright parade of startling singularity and vision.

Love Radiates - IZZO
IZZO unleashes fantastic images on printed-pattern fabric that bridge foreground with background, abstraction with representation, and the flat plane with spatial depth. Alternately embellishing and obscuring the existing fabric patterns, this suite of works focuses on the idea of dizzying love. IZZO fashions images into funhouse rides of joyful exuberance.
Hot Flashing Female - Anne Leuck
Anne Leuck uses her emotional and observed life as a jumping off point to create narratives that charm with their fresh immediacy and universal joy. Using crisp bold colors and a signature graphic style, she exposes a world both intimate and newly seen. In this collection she renders sideshow banners out of her own anxieties of physical aging. Leuck turns her own vulnerabilities into sideshow marvels of the human condition. 
Under the Circumstances #9 - Edward Master
Edward Master paints hallucinatory patterned visions astounding in their complexity and richness, referencing natural and man-made motifs, along with decorative and ornamental traditions. With a bewildering level of detail one seemingly hovers above the work, sensing both a microscopic viewpoint and an overwhelming vastness. Swooping in layered complexity, Master’s artworks are a carnival ride for the eye.
Alakazam - Jason Messinger
Magic- Jason Messinger
Jason Messinger creates ceramic tile murals and sculptures of bright colors and wry content. His sculptures twist and turn with organic yearning and figurative sensibility, creating abstract interpretations of famous sideshow acts. His tile murals vibrate between sneaky humor and abstract beauty - commenting on the lexicons of the circus and the carnival. Utilizing the materials of ceramic and richly colored glazes, Messinger’s artwork is its own circus act.
Fragile Forms - Anthony Stagg
Anthony Stagg allows his artwork to speak in the language of the street, utilizing tropes as far ranging as graffiti styles to comic book archetypes. Melding pop culture references with fantastical vignettes, the artist exposes a wry observation of the modern world. His non-judgmental viewpoint is both open and humorous, retro and contemporary. Stagg invites you into his own festival of life.
Go Now - Joey Wozniak
Joey Wozniak pushes, scrapes and layers vibrant color paints to create densely rendered landscapes with an underlying energy bursting below the surface. Bridging a physical approach to the physicality of paint with a masterful understanding of the stimulus of color, the artist crafts joyful scenes in riotous hues. Rich with references to classical architecture and peopled with characters from a wide sampling of cultures, Wozniak constructs his own unique post-modern jubilees. 

Curated by artist and curator Jason Messinger, and Gallery Director and Dean of Arts Shelley Lamantia, the Crazy 8 Artists’ Carnival runs from Sept 26 through Dec 23, 2016, at State Street Gallery, 401 S. State Street, Chicago IL. Gallery Hours are Monday through Thursday, from 10am - 6pm. Artists Reception on Thursday Oct 13, 2016 from 5:00 to 7:30 pm. Additional Artist Talks, Jazz Evenings, and Holiday Party dates will be announced.

Crazy 8 Artists' Carnival
State Street Gallery 
@ Robert Morris University
401 S. State Street, Chicago IL  

Reception: Thu Oct 13,  5:00 - 7:30 pm
Gallery hours: Mon- Thu, 10 am - 6 pm 
Show Runs: Sept 26 - Dec 23, 2016

Show Website

State Street Gallery Website


Cornelia Arts Bldg. 30 YR Anniversary and Open House Oct 7

Cornelia Arts Building
October 2016 Open Studios Event 
Celebrating 30 Years as a
working art studio building: 1986 – 2016! 
Friday, October 7th, 6 to 10 pm
1800 West Cornelia, Chicago, IL
The Cornelia Arts Building - Where Art Works
Come celebrate their 30 year anniversary and the beginning of the Fall art season with the working artists of the Cornelia Arts Building. See the working art studios of the talented resident artists and artisans, meet them directly without intermediaries, and explore their working practices up close.  
Jason Messinger - Bang! 12"x12"
The building opens their doors to the public only four times a year. At this Fall event, come explore two full floors of working artist studios, and have a chance to purchase artwork and hand-made crafts directly from the people who made them. Over fifty local artists and artisans work in this former ice-house, including sculptors, painters, photographers, ceramic artists, print-makers, jewelry designers, textile artisans, and much more.  
Jason Messinger - At the Bazaar - 80"x56"
Experience artwork by the many NEW resident artists, and find the latest from your favorite building resident artists! See new hallway guest artist exhibitions, enjoy complimentary beverages in the studios, and delicious food from the food trucks outside!  The open studio events are family friendly and free to the public.
Guest artist Joey Wozniak - 6"x6"
Celebrating their 30 year anniversary! Established in 1986, the Cornelia Arts Building is one of the largest All-Artist studio buildings on Chicago's North side. The building rests at the border of three distinct Chicago Neighborhoods; Lakeview, Roscoe Village, and North Center. Close to public transportation and only two blocks south of the Addison Brown Line CTA stop, with free parking available in parking lot out front and on neighborhood streets nearby.
Jason Messinger - Landscape 12"x12"
Cornelia Arts Building 
October 2016 Open Studios Event 
Friday, October 7th, 6 - 10 pm 
1800 West Cornelia, Chicago, IL 
Entrance on NW corner of Ravenswood and Cornelia.
Two blocks south of Addison Brown Line CTA Station.
Free parking available in lot and in neighborhood.
Guest Joey Wozniak


October Events with Jason Messinger


Cornelia Arts Building
October Open Studios
Friday Oct. 7, 6-10pm
Cornelia Arts Building
1800 W Cornelia, Chicago
entrance on Ravenswood

Celebrating 30 Years: 1986 – 2016!
Join over 40 resident artists in their studios, hallway guest artist exhibitions, and food from a local food truck in the parking lot!
See work by our many new resident artists, and see the latest from your favorites!
Events are FREE and open to the public.
Jason Messinger in studio #204 will be showing ceramic tile murals, sculptures, works on paper, and gift items, as well as abstract-floral paintings by his guest artist Joey Wozniak.

Crazy 8 Artists' Carnival
Reception Thu. Oct. 13
5:00 - 7:30 pm
State Street Gallery 
@ Robert Morris University
401 S. State Street, Chicago IL
Show Runs: Sept 26 - Dec 23, 2016
Gallery hours: Mon- Thu, 10 am - 6 pm

Crazy 8 Artists’ Carnival showcases the work of eight Chicago artists working in a wide range of mediums and a wild range of techniques. Interpreting the themes of carnival, circus, and festival, the artists are joined by their exuberant delight in the visual and their unique re-imagining of the world.

Featuring artists Kass Copeland, Alan Emerson Hicks, IZZO, Anne Leuck, Edward Master, Jason Messinger, Anthony Stagg, and Joey Wozniak.

Curated by artist and curator Jason Messinger and Gallery Director and Dean of Arts Shelley Lamantia, the Crazy 8 Artists’ Carnival runs from Sept 26 through Dec 23, 2016, at State Street Gallery, 401 S. State Street, Chicago IL. Gallery Hours are Monday through Thursday, from 10am - 6pm. Artists Reception on Thursday Oct 13, 2016 from 5:00 to 7:30 pm.  Additional Artist Talks, Jazz Evenings, and Holiday Party dates will be announced!


Cornelia Arts Building May 20 Open Studios Event

Cornelia Arts Building 
May 2016 Open Studio Event
Friday, May 20, 6 to 10 pm
1800 West Cornelia, Chicago, IL 


The Cornelia Arts Building - Where Art Works 

Come celebrate Spring with the working artists of the Cornelia Arts Building, at their last open house until the fall! See the working art studios of the talented resident artists and artisans, meet them directly without intermediaries, and explore their working practices up close!

The building opens their doors to the public only four times a year. At this Spring event, come explore two full floors of working artist studios, and have a chance to purchase artwork and hand-made crafts directly from the people who made them.  

Over fifty local artists and artisans work in this former ice-house, including sculptors, painters, photographers, ceramic artists, print-makers, jewelry designers, textile artisans, and much more. 

Join Jason Messinger in studio # 204 where he showcases his signature tile murals, ceramic sculpture, paintings and drawings on paper, and artist designed gifts and books! 

His special studio guest artist is Joey Wozniak - showing his fantastic floral explosions and magical landscapes in a variety of sizes. 

Meet our building resident artists, see hallway guest artist exhibitions by Tracy Frein and Gregory J. Matthews, enjoy complimentary beverages and refreshments in the studios and try the delicious fare from the food truck outside! Our open studio events are family friendly and free to the public!

Established in 1986, the Cornelia Arts Building is one of the largest All-Artist studio buildings on Chicago's North side. The building rests at the border of three distinct Chicago Neighborhoods; Lakeview, Roscoe Village, and North Center.  

Close to public transportation and only two blocks south of the Addison Brown Line CTA stop, with free parking available in parking lot out front and on neighborhood streets nearby.

Cornelia Arts Building 
May 2016 Open Studio Events
Friday, May 20, 6 - 10 pm

The Cornelia Arts Building - Where Art Works
1800 West Cornelia, Chicago, IL

Entrance on NW corner of Ravenswood and Cornelia.
Two blocks south of Addison Brown Line CTA Station.
Free parking available in lot and in neighborhood. 

Building Info: CorneliaArtsBuilding.com

Slide Show Preview: Artslant Slideshow